Invitation to BALANCE Book Launch

Invitation to the launch of James Cusumano's book Balance: The Business-Life Connection 

James A. Cusumano, Ph.D., co-owner of Chateau Mcely, successful CEO, and renowned speaker and author, cordially invites you to the launch of the Czech edition of his latest book BALANCE: The Business-Life Connection (ROVNOVÁHA: Spojení práce a života).

You can join us and Barbara Nesvadbová, the book's "Godmother."

The main principles of the book are based on more than 25 years of experience, in which Jim and his colleagues worked tirelessly to uncover the principles that lead to success in both our personal and professional lives. These two worlds are interconnected and their balance is essential for a successful and meaningful life.

Date and time: Tuesday, February 4, from 5 pm

Place: Palác knih Luxor, Wenceslas Square 41, Prague 1

RSVP: In case of your interest, please confirm your participation by e-mail to: no later than February 2. Capacity is limited. Thank you! The launch will be held in the English language.

More information about the new book and Jim's activities can be found at